I do not know who God is but Imam Abdulfatai knows.
He is a sullen fellow with
dark solemn eyes, long black beards with some sprinkling of gray and had a tiny
scar that ran down from the left side of his small lips black lips, down to his
bearded chin. His teeth was white, very white and accentuated his smile against
his dark features. And he smiled a lot, when he recites the Koran, reading the surahs in a unique sing-song voice that
blared over the loudspeakers, inviting the faithful towards Massalaci. He even smiled with his eyes
We came to him in droves,
usually young boys filled with zeal for Allah seeking knowledge from a book we
cannot read as understood by a man we all love and love him we did.
He was a man of peace then and
lived in great harmony with the Christians who often invited him in their
churches during their thanksgiving or other ceremonies. He ate and drank with them
quoting the Quran in defense.
those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians
whoever believes in God and the Last Day
and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be
no fear for them, nor shall they grieve"
“Islam means Peace” He said “The
Followers of Allah must be peaceful for Allah said You who believe! Enter
absolutely into peace which also means Islam”
We often flocked around him
chanting excitedly, parts of the Koran which he had taught us and then
afterwards he would give us ‘Kwuli Kwuli’
and a cup of ‘kunu’ and usher us out
of the mosque while some older men, similarly bearded and often reeking of
marijuana waited for him behind, chatting in soft tones and sometimes swearing.
“Na rantse da Allah”
They would swear.
“Da taimakon Allah, zan kashe dukan
kafiri” I could hear one of them promise one day while I left
after the session with Iman Abdulfatai. These men were often a feature in Imam
Abdulfatai’s mosque and always came in after dark when Iman would be sending us
home. I worried about his safety at first before he made me to understand that
they are part of the lost souls that he is trying to save for Allah. He must be
very successful for none of them had hurt him with the daggers they hid under
their Jalabiya or even shot at him
with some of the guns they carried, guns that I can only see in certain
occasions when I climb the Mango tree outside the mosque and look into the
compound. I did that mostly out of concern for the safety of our amiable Iman
Abdulfatai but partly because I was suspicious of the new found love he shared
with the sinners.
When I raised the issue with
him after the Prayers one day, he told me that recognition of one’s
imperfection before Allah is the height of humility.
“Ahmed.” He called me “Do
you know that Prophet Muhammed Sall Allah
o Alleh e wassallam, once called himself a sinner?”
“Really?” I asked, my
high-pitched voice displaying the depth of my surprise.
“Yes…” He said, dragging me
closer to him, into the crook of his arm. “Even Him who was favored and
blameless in the eyes of Allah recognized that he is a sinner who is dependent
on the mercies of Allah”
“Who are we to decide who
qualifies for the mercies of Allah” He said, dragging me down to sit down with
him on the pavement. He offered me some
debino and chewed on some himself. I took the fruit, seven of them and
chewed on one while he patted my back gently.
You see, Abdulfatai was like
my father, I had not seen my real father because I was told that he had gone
missing thirteen years ago when I was only five and since then, I have spent
more time at Imam’s mosque than I did with my poor lean fair mother and my
three sisters in our two-room hut and corrugated zinc sheets for a roof. I grew
up thinking of the gentle Abdulfatai as a father and I became close with his
five children; as close as only a brother would. We drank fura di nunu together and bit on our suya and massa with
similar gusto. Through the years, I stayed with Abdulfatai and merely visited
home when it was time to sleep.
My heart spoke to me
sometimes, confronting me with the reasons why I ran away from home, why I
detested the loneliness, detested the sight of my mother scraping the dregs for
survival, detested the tears of my sisters crying out in the dead of the night
for the warmth of their missing father, their tears shed in my stead.
Thankfully, the darkness
enveloped us most of the nights in its comforting cocoon and no one could see
my tears or my heart. Every morning, since I was five until I turned eighteen,
I woke up with first light and ran away; from home and to Abdulfatai’s mosque.
However, when I turned
eighteen, I started noticing some changes in my adopted father. He started
asking me to stay behind after the evening’s prayers. He insisted that I sat
with the bearded men that reeked of marijuana and sometimes glue.
The teachings in these
clandestine meetings were different from the calm, singing sessions and prayers
we held with the light of the day. It featured more verses than I had ever
heard during my long association with Abdulfatai. It was caustic and intolerant
and was delivered by another man in Abdulfatai clothing. This preacher was
called Ibrahimi Jihadi and replaced Abdulfatai’s solemn eyes with fiery ones
that gleamed as he spoke to the group of a score of men who sat cross-legged,
their daggers and guns lying in its latent danger, threatening in its silent
capacity to wreak havoc and leave tears in its wake.
It was in one of such
meetings that my life changed.
It was a Friday, right after
the Afternoon Prayers. Abdulfatai had
asked me to wait after the prayers as the Mumunin
filed out of Massalaci.
“Wait” He told me patting my
shoulders gently from behind. His touch was gentle but the message was abrupt,
spoken in a hurry without caring to explain why I should. It was the first time
he had asked me to wait after the prayers because I often left to ply my okada. I was a commercial motorcyclist, an occupation that helped put food on
the table for my mother and three sisters.
I waited. I had no choice.
As confusing as Abdulfatai may be, he was still Allah’s messenger and
mouthpiece and also filled the role of a father for me. The bike I use to fend
for my family was a gift from him when I turned sixteen.
As I watched, a lot more
people waited behind, my agemates with vacant, unreadable faces, impressionless
as if they are zombies waiting to be told what to do. Minutes later, I saw the
same group of bearded men that had always cradled weapons trooping in after the
prayers. I did not see them during the prayers. They had not joined the
They are still sinners.
Abdulfatai had not succeeded in converting them.
Shortly after, Abdulfatai
emerged. People had dispersed from the mosque, even the hawkers at the entrance
had been dispersed probably by the bearded, hemp-reeking sinners.
He had entered his house as
Abdulfatai and emerged as Ahmed Jihadi. His clothes had changed from his simple
white flowing robe to a black Danshiki.
He held a dagger that gleamed against the sun in his right hand and on the left
he cradled a rifle which he had slung over his shoulder with a rope. His eyes
were fiery and he looked furious.
People muttered at his
entrance, probably some who were seeing him like that for the first time. On my
own part, I was too stupefied to even blink.
He raised the dagger,
pointing it at the roof and deathly silence overtook the place. One of the boys
coughed and it echoed for two seconds before he spoke.
“And kill them wherever
you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And
Al-Fitnah is worse than killing” His soft tone had been replaced by a harsher, more commanding one, like
that of a Judge reading a death sentence. All around me, his congregation, a
quarter of the ones that had left the prayers twenty minutes ago listened with
rapt attention.
Allah said fight them until there is no more Fitnah because worship is for
Allah alone” His voice boomed again,
his fierce eyes searching through the crowd, stopping for some seconds on me,
unnerving me and probably seeing into my soul before it passed me to other
silent followers.
are the words of Allah, unchanged through ages and forever.” He said with
evident anger manifested in harsh tones.
a woman despised Allah by cursing the name of His Prophet, Muhammad Sall
Allah o Alleh e wassallam”
leaders are infidels actively against the words of Allah and we the servants of
Allah, led by the injunctions of his Prophet Muhammad Sall Allah o Alleh e
wassallam will fight this blasphemy and more”
mosque erupted with people raising their daggers and guns and sticks.
bid them to calm down with with another raised dagger.
are not going to stop there. We are going to take this fight to them in their
shrines. We are going to burn their churches and the idols they worship.” He
started walking amongst the followers and they made way for him by shifting
presented the dagger in front of me. Scared, I left it in his hand. I had never
used a dagger on another human before and Abdulfatai had condemned killing
during the days in his teachings. Allah detests murderers, he had said.
my hesitation, he spoke these words.
"Fighting is prescribed
for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a
thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But
Allah knoweth, and ye know not." He forced the dagger into my grasp and sealed
my hands himself until I was strongly holding on to the dagger as if I was
trying to strangle it by its metal hilt.
“These words are the words of Allah as given
to us by his Prophet in the Holy Quran. They are not my words.” He grabbed me
gently by both shoulders and looked into my eyes, the softness and kindness
that identified Imam Abdulfatai had resurfaced. His next words were calm and
steady and devoid of that maniacal anger that had started the speech.
"Fighting is prescribed
for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a
thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But
Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
voice rose again and he declared "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and
know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."
broke loose and men clanged daggers. Someone shouted “Shege… Mutuwa ga kãfirai.”
“Sosei.” Another responded.
Jihadi will lead and Jihadi Ahmed will assist.” Abdulfatai said, pointing at me.
I swallowed nervously.
a haggard looking tall boy of around twenty, with kinky uncombed hair and
broken red lips walked past me with a shotgun slung over his shoulder. I meekly
followed trudging towards a path that I did not know towards murdering a woman
I had never met.
that is what God wants and I have never seen God but his words in Quran are
steadfast through eternity.
may not be able to read the Holy Quran too because I had never learnt to read
Arabic or even English but I am sure that Iman Abdulfatai could and he is the
living embodiment of the words of the prophet.
I left with a throng of new followers, I could hear The Imam’s voice booming
off another verse of the Quran.
“Therefore, when
ye meet the Unbelievers smite at their necks; At length, when ye have
thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly on them. Thereafter either
generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus are ye commanded:
but if it had been God's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from
them Himself; but He lets you fight in order to test you, some with others. But
those who are slain in the Way of God, - He will never let their deeds be lost.”
these words behind us, spurring us, we set out to exact the vengeance of Allah.
the market, they pointed at a middle-aged woman with a heavily painted face.
Jihadi Yusufu gestured me forward and asked me to bring him her head.
is the will of Allah.” He said. He does not look like a follower of Allah and
even then wore amulets on his neck, evident through the unbuttoned shirts he
wore. He also puffed on a marijuana. But in his voice I heard Imam. He would be
disappointed if I failed him.
took the dagger and approached the woman. The Market was silent and the crowd
had already gathered, like sprits of death anticipating bloodshed and ready to
watch it. I wished they would stop me or hit me over the head. I wished that
the ground could open and swallow me whole with the dagger in my hands.
approached the woman whose face was heavily painted in an array of colours from
red on her face and under her eyes. Her eyelid were painted in shiny blue.
cried as I approached, her tears mingling with the red paint to create the
illusion that she was shedding blood instead of tears. Behind, the followers
cheered me on, urging me on towards the murder of a woman I do not even know.
is the meaning of Islam…All must submitted under the will of Allah” I ranted,
the quote coming from somewhere within me probably implanted by Ibrahimi
raised my dagger over the woman’s breast, my eyes gazing into the teary pools
of hers and …
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